Report Landlords who refuse to pay Utility bills – Rent Control

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Emmanuel Kporsu, the Public Relations Officer for Rent Control Ghana, offers valuable advice to tenants dealing with landlords or landladies who pass on utility bills like electricity and water.

In Ghana, it has become increasingly common for property owners to transfer these expenses to their tenants, which is a concerning trend.

Kporsu recommends that tenants facing such issues report the problem to the Rent Control Department. By doing so, tenants can seek a resolution and ensure they are not unfairly burdened with the responsibility for these utility costs, which are typically the landlord’s obligation.

Rent control departments play a crucial role in regulating such matters to protect the rights and interests of tenants. This advice can help tenants address these challenges and ensure a fair and legal arrangement with their landlords.

“If you are going through this situation and you haven’t been able to sort it out with your house owner, then you have to make a report at Rent Control, and we will invite the house owner to come and explain why he or she is doing that.”

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“No house owner has the right to pay either the water bill or the electricity bill because the property belongs to him because the house does not generate the water or electricity but rather consumes it, so everyone who consumes has to pay.”

“Once you stay in the house, no law permits you (the house owner) to share your own bills for the tenants to pay. The law even states that the bill amount should be shown to the tenants for all of them to see the total amount that came,” he said.

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